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What should be paid attention to when using foam mechanical equipment pretreatment agent?


1. Check before use
When using the equipment, we need to carefully check the condition of the equipment, whether the screws are firm, and how the main shaft rotates, such as whether the main shaft is flexible, whether the various lines are pre-connected, whether the grounding is good, etc. Only in this way can we use it more confidently without having to check and use it directly after booting.
2. Preheat after startup
One step is very important when using foam machinery. That is to warm up. In general, it is recommended to use after 10 minutes before the first warm-up. It is not recommended to use it directly after booting, so pay attention to this step.
After warming up, it can ensure that the equipment can exert the highest efficiency in subsequent use, and it can also ensure that the machine will not cause great damage when it is used, so we should pay attention to these aspects.
3. Use sequence
When operating equipment, also pay attention to the order of use. Every step must be used correctly, so that we can ensure the effect of the foam preconditioner in the above use, which can meet everyone’s needs, and will not cause such misoperation, which will lead to the invalid working state of the equipment.

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